- Published: Monday, 23 February 2009
Kieran O’Neill started up holylemon.com, a sight that shows funny videos, funny movies and funny videoclips when he was 14, and sold it for US$1.25 million while studying at the University of Bath, during his exam period. He was 19 at the time. Now 21, he’s working on PlayFire and PlayStation Universe, while finishing off his degree. He spoke at Imperial College recently, and dispensed the following advice:
(1) If you’re starting a technical company, have at least one technical co-founder. Have someone great.
(2) Raising capital from equity is the most expensive source of funding. It’s way better to bootstrap or borrow.
(3) Finding the right co-founders is essential to the business.
(4) Figure out what your key business metrics are, and measure obsessively.
(5) Get onto the feedback loop as soon as possible. I.e., launch as soon as possible.